MIDNIGHT BEATレーベル!.PAUL McCARTNEY/ポール・マッカートニー.“THE MAKING OF JAMES PAUL McCARTNEY”(MB CD 114).special thanks to “YELLOW DOG RECORDS” for their valuable assistance...収録曲 :1 Camera Clicks2 Section 1B Take 1: Thatll Be The Day/Take Your Time/Take Your Time/Blackbird/Country Dreamer/Mommas Little Girl/Love Is Long3 Section 1D Take 1: Michelle/Mommas Little Girl/Bluebird/Yesterday/Hands Of Love4 Section 1E Take 1: Michelle/Michelle/Heart Of The Country/Blackbird/Hey Diddle/Mommas Little Girl/Why Am I Crying/Bluebird/Mommas Little Girl/Michelle/Heart Of The Country5 Dance Routine6 Live And Let Die (Take 1-3)