ハーパー・コリンズ版 英語版「ホビット」. The Hobbit トールキン作 J.R.R.Tolkin1999年版本 英国製The prelude to THE LORD OF THE RINGS, THE HOBBITペーパーバック 図版入り本文310ページカバーイラストも著者トールキン本人の作品です。This is the story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected…Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day, to whisk him away on a journey ‘there and back again’. They have a plot to raid the treasure …The prelude to THE LORD OF THE RINGS, THE HOBBIT has sold many millions of copies since its publication in 1937, establishing itself as one of the most beloved and influential books of the twentieth century.黄ばみ等のダメージがありますが、破損はなく、読書可能です。状態は写真を見てご確認ください。素人の自宅保管品ですので神経質な方はご遠慮ください。コメントやご購入の前に必ずプロフをお読みください。即購入OKです。安心のメルカリ便でお送りいたします。